My son recently shared with me an AMAZING video on youtube about the paths Hate can take in our lives. The video has great animated detail of a WWII dogfight between a British Spitfire and a German BF109. In life, especially in times of war, what begins as just a job to stop "the enemy" becomes a path to destruction of the heart. The symbolism in this short film is surprisingly deep. I especially found the scene when the German airman held so tightly to the trigger that the Rosary Beads, symbolic of his faith, were torn from his hands by his hatred. When faith in the God of Love is absent, all that remains is hate. Similarly, the British airman's love, portrayed by the photograph of his sweetheart, blows away. The words Love are seen flying out of sight once outside the plane. When Love and Faith are removed from our lives, Hate grows. And the end result of Hate is always total destruction. Destruction of the body and the soul. The only thing that will remain are the evil ghosts of actions. What do you think of the film? Did you see other symbolism about the messages of love, faith, and hatred?
Do you know the name above all names? The name by which you can be saved? It probably isn't what you think it is... or maybe it is. According to the bible, YHWH pronounced YAHWEH is the name by which you can be saved. Everyone who calls on the name of "Yahweh" shall be saved the scriptures say in Joel 2:32. This is repeated in Acts 2:21 and Romans 10:13. The New Testament quotes Joel in saying, everyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved. The name Yehoshua (sometimes spelled Yeshua) refers to the human being God indwelt when He took on flesh (the Son of God) and is often called Jesus in the English language. Yehoshua means "Yahweh saves" or "Yahweh is salvation." Jesus today's English version of Yehoshua's name was translated out of the Greek. Originally, Yehoshua was translated as Yeshua in the Aramaic, then into Greek as Iesous. Later it was translated into Latin, then finally to English. However, the letter "J" didn't come in the English language until about 550 years ago and only became common in the 17th century. The first mention of Yehoshua's name as "Jesus" appears in 1632 AD in court documents suing a printing company who was printing a perverted version of scripture that had flagrant errors including "Thou SHALL commit adultery." This bible was later referred to as the "Wicked bible." Acts 4:10-12 states, "For there is no other name under Heaven given by which men can be saved" other than by Yehoshua. Yehoshua is above all names. At the calling of "Yahweh-Saves" every knee will bow in Heaven and in Earth (Philippians 2:9-10)
The word/name Yehoshua's blends the concept of a name with an action and literally means Yahweh-Saves. Yehoshua's name identifies specifically who is doing the saving or bringing of salvation: Yahweh. For there is but one God, and Yahweh is His name . Now, with all that said... and it is vitally important you understand WHO is providing you salvation. The name by which we call on Yahweh will not change who He is. Those who call on Him as "Jesus" knowing Jesus is God who came in the flesh to died for their sins and rose for their justification will be saved the same way as people who call on Yahweh, Yeshua, or Yehoshua for salvation. A name does not change an item's purpose or identity based on the language in which it was labeled. A bowl of chicken noodle soup is still a bowl of chicken noodle soup, no matter what language it is pronounced. Those who eat of it will be nourished the same. An American, Englishman, Spaniard, Russian, Chinese, Sudanese, or any other foreign speaking person will receive the same physical benefit should they be sick and in need of refreshment via a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Regardless of what each language may call "a bowl of chicken noodle soup," it is still a bowl of chicken noodle soup. It should also be noted, there is no verse in the bible that requires people to call on God's name in only the Hebrew language, or any other specific language for that matter. There is also no verse forbidding translating or sharing the Gospel in a foreign language. In fact, on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the church in Acts 2:9-10, every nation heard the Gospel translated in their own language. Every language understood that God had appeared in the flesh and died for their sins in the body of His Son. Whatever the words for "Yahweh" or God, Yeshua or "God Saves", and Messiah or "The Anointed One," they were clearly translated in the languages of the Parthians, Medes, Elamites; Mesopotamians, Judeans, Cappadocians, Pontusians, Asians, Phrygians Pamphylians, Egyptians, and Libyians. For these languages understood the Holy message and repented, adding 5,000 members to the Church in one day. Thus, in whatever language you call on Yahweh, it is knowing on WHOM you are calling and what He has done that will make the difference. Agree or Disagree?
As I reflect on the paths we take in life and where to start narrating my journey, I realize each day nothing is conveniently in order... at least not a day I've ever had. Sure, we like to think we plan our day: we set the alarm for when to get up; we organize our lunchtime, work schedules, & dinner dates. We might even book medical appointments, play dates, time at the gym, or how we think we'll spend our "free time." But, in the end, we really can't control any of it. It's like the illusion of living on "solid ground." Most days we believe we are standing firmly on solid ground. So much so, we never even question the fact the ground beneath our feet might not be solid at all. Then an unexpected earthquake reminds us the ground beneath our feet can move at any time. The illusion of security is shattered.
Some days can be like that too. No matter how much we plan, the unexpected is always waiting to throw a Divine monkey-wrench into our best laid plans. Designed to take us on unwanted journey of growth, these life-shakers like earthquakes leave us feeling uncomfortable. The reminder that we aren't in full control makes us uneasy. For some, the thought of not being in control is a relief. They relish the idea that they are not ultimately responsible for how their life turned out. Others are undone by the fact, life is out of their control. Me, I'm somewhere in the middle.
A man's heart plans his way,
But YAHWEH directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9
When I was younger, I thought life was going the direction I wanted to go. But circumstances kept altering the course I originally plotted. At 18 years old, I was pursuing veterinary medicine in college and hoped to one day establish a nonprofit business that specialized in training service dogs. I wasn't really worried about my relationship with God. I thought He and I were okay. I knew He was God and I was not and would talk to Him from time to time when I needed help. But I had no idea that God wanted so much more for our relationship.
And so my first course correction happened... |
Sharon Aubrey
An Alaskan Author, Prospector, Homeschool Teacher, Ordained Minister, I welcome your comments! Before you post, please see my
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March 2019
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